About Us

The Centre for Energy Equality is a social enterprise whose mission is to ensure equal access for all individuals, across all areas, to safe, affordable and sustainable energy.

We provide a centre of excellence for collaboration, education, innovation and technology trials. Working closely with academia, we have access to research and development facilities, enabling members and collaborators to trial and test the technologies that will be required so that all people can prosper from equal access to renewable and reliable energy.

Making an Impact

What is Energy Equality?

Energy equality is a relatively new concept that may not be familiar to everyone. It is a movement dedicated to ensuring that all individuals in our communities have an equal opportunity to access the energy services and technologies that they require to meet their needs. Delivering this will require coordination and action from producers, suppliers, government, civil society and business. The Centre for Energy Equality exists to support this coordination, and make sure that the issues surrounding energy equality are widely understood and acted upon.
This is particularly important in the context of decarbonisation. Making sure that new, low carbon technologies have the widest possible benefit is a key aim of energy equality advocates.
Some of the challenges in achieving energy equality include:

  • Identifying those who need support accessing energy services.
  • Fuel poverty and energy affordability.
    Customer service and access to energy services for vulnerable groups.
  • Safety for vulnerable groups.
    Affordable low carbon energy and technologies.
  • Electrification in remote areas (particularly in less-economically developed countries).

Energy Equality and Decarbonisation

As a nation we are moving towards a low-carbon economy, and the Government has set a target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. CEE is committed to ensuring that the move to low carbon technologies is inclusive and does not leave certain groups and communities behind.

If low carbon technologies are accessed only by the wealthiest sections of our society, not only does this make it harder to achieve the nation’s carbon neutrality target, but it also potentially deepens inequalities between those who can access affordable energy and those who cannot.

CEE will work to make sure that the low carbon transition is inclusive, and does not open up further energy gaps within our society.

How we make an Impact

CEE is committed to bringing about access to affordable and sustainable energy for all parts of our society – both in the UK and globally.

We are a centre of excellence and expertise on energy equality issues, but our real strength comes from our networks and relationships. That is why we are working with a range of organisations that share our vision of a world where fair access to clean energy is at the centre of national and international policy debates.

We do this in four ways – we inform, influence, connect and deliver.


We carry out research to help understand the size and scale of the challenge, and help organisations to meet this challenge. We share the latest thinking and learning on energy equality issues through our websites and regular policy updates.


We work with suppliers, practitioners and policy makers to put energy equality at the top of the agenda and make sure that it stays there, supported by policies that improve equal access to energy.
We also provide a voice for those who do not have energy equality and champion the work of those organisations and technologies that promote it.


We bring together policymakers, practitioners, energy suppliers and others to learn with and from one another. The power to change minds and policy is built on the strength and diversity of our networks.
We facilitate small peer-to-peer learning sets, wider events and network opportunities and help members of our network identify partners to work with on specific projects.


We are an organisation with our roots firmly based in practice. This makes us uniquely placed to deliver a range of practical tools and advice to organisations to help them deliver on the energy equality agenda.
This includes consultancy support and a variety of commercial services, from software development through to prototype design and testing.
We are based at the Energy Centre at the University of Chester, with access to state-of-the-art research and testing facilities and laboratories. This allows us to trial and test new innovations, models and products.


We carry out research to help understand the size and scale of the challenge, and help organisations to meet this challenge. We share the latest thinking and learning on energy equality issues through our websites and regular policy updates.


We work with suppliers, practitioners and policy makers to put energy equality at the top of the agenda and make sure that it stays there, supported by policies that improve equal access to energy.
We also provide a voice for those who do not have energy equality and champion the work of those organisations and technologies that promote it.


We bring together policymakers, practitioners, energy suppliers and others to learn with and from one another. The power to change minds and policy is built on the strength and diversity of our networks.
We facilitate small peer-to-peer learning sets, wider events and network opportunities and help members of our network identify partners to work with on specific projects.


We are an organisation with our roots firmly based in practice. This makes us uniquely placed to deliver a range of practical tools and advice to organisations to help them deliver on the energy equality agenda.
This includes consultancy support and a variety of commercial services, from software development through to prototype design and testing.
We are based at the Energy Centre at the University of Chester, with access to state-of-the-art research and testing facilities and laboratories. This allows us to trial and test new innovations, models and products.