Fairer Warmth - Energy Advice Platform

The Fairer Warmth Energy Advice Platform is designed to empower individuals, organisations, and communities in their pursuit of decarbonised homes, whilst placing the warmth, health, and well-being of people at the heart of the Net Zero transition.

The Fairer Warmth system offers a range of features tailored to various users, including individuals, energy advisors and champions, and organisations wishing to support a fair energy transition in their communities. Key features and benefits of Fairer Warmth are outlined below. You can also visit the Fairer Warmth website for more details.

Fairer Warmth for Individuals

Fairer Warmth offers a user-friendly mobile application that aims to help individuals reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. Key features for individuals include:

Fairer Warmth for Organisations

Fairer Warmth offers enhanced engagement tools and data analysis capabilities that help organisations such as community energy groups, Local Authorities and others to support their communities to decarbonise. Key features for organisations include:

Fairer Warmth Data Platform

Fairer Warmth also offers a Data Platform that harnesses the power of data for a fairer net-zero transition. Key features of the Data Platform include: